Your privacy is very important to DYTIO. We have created this policy to help you understand how DYTIO gathers, uses, and safeguards any personal information you may choose to reveal through using this web site

Collection of Information
While browsing DYTIO web site, you remain anonymous. We do not collect any personal information, including e-mail addresses, from you. Although we do log your IP (Internet Protocol) address to understand which parts of our web site you visit, and how long you stay there, we make no attempt to use this to identify you. Your browser may also provide other information about what type of computer you are using, and the operating system. If we use this information, it will always be in aggregate, and again – we will make no attempt to link this to anything personally identifiable.

In certain instances we may elect to use a standard technology called “cookies” to understand how you use our site, and to enable certain features.

From time to time, we may employ “click through URL’s” on our web site and e-mail communications to our clients. When you click on one of these URLs you pass through our web site on your way to the destination URL. We do this so that we may understand how interested you are in the information that we are providing to you, and the effectiveness of our communications. We do not share this information with any third parties, and we make no attempts to match this data with e-mail addresses.

We may sometimes ask you to voluntarily submit personal information such as e-mail and postal addresses. We may do this if you would like more information on a topic, wish to make a purchase, or participate in a survey.

Information Use
If you elect to provide us with personal information we may ask you if we may send new information that may be of interest to you. We may also ask if we might share this information with other companies that offer related services and products. If you do not want us to do this, you may always elect to not allow this. In this case we will respect your decision.

When you elect to provide this information to us, we may use it to notify you of updated information, provide customer service, or verify quotes and contracts. We may use this information to help understand our customers better so we can develop better services and products. We may also use this information to let you know of new services and products that we provide that would be of interest to you.

If you receive e-mail’s from us after previously giving your consent, we will always provide a means for you stop receiving further e-mail notices. Although most of our clients prefer to keep up to date through these mailings, we understand the importance of giving you a choice. These e-mail notices will include instructions for you to discontinue future mailings.

The DYTIO privacy policy is subject to change at any time and without notice.